Del 13 de febrero al 13 de junio, el Centro de la Cultura del Rioja acoge "Una Cosecha Fotográfica", una exposición única que fusiona vino e historia a través de la fotografía. Descubre imágenes icónicas de grandes fotógrafos y sumérgete en la cultura vinícola. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Cada plato tiene su perfecto maridaje, te damos las mejores propuestas para una cena o comida de Navidad redonda, combinando gastronomía y vino.
Vivanco has been selected as one of the 50 most amazing wine experiences in the world in the World's Best Vineyards Top 50.
Este año, celebramos con orgullo el 20 aniversario de Vivanco, un lugar donde la pasión por el vino y la cultura
Discover Vivanco through its virtual tour. A new way to get into the spaces of this destination focused on Wine Culture.
Vivanco has been selected as one of the 50 most amazing wine experiences in the world in the World's Best Vineyards Top 50.
Travelling solo can be more fun than you think. Here are some tips for travelling alone and having a great time.
We show you what travellers are looking for in their safe holidays this year in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
On 1 July we will reopen our doors so that you can all enjoy Vivanco.
In the latest episode of MasterChef Spain, the kitchens of this culinary talent show have moved to La Rioja and Vivanco in its popular outdoor test.