Do you know who is the Greek god and the Roman god of wine? Get to know Bacchus and Dionysus and what was their influence on the Wine Culture.
Discover the origin of our "comedy", as always, wine is part of its history and tradition. Javier Sanz tells us about it in this article.
Dos nuevas entregas del programa Maneras de Contar la Cultura del Vino. En esta ocasión, nos adentramos en el consumo de vino en la Antigua Roma, cómo y dónde lo consumían.
In a curious Turkish mosaic, we discovered an inscription in ancient Greek depicting the hedonistic philosophy of the Roman "carpe diem", next to a jug of wine.
In Ancient Greece, wine was of unprecedented importance, to the point of determining the alliances of the Peloponnesian War. We tell you about it
There are those who consider mixing wine as heresy. However, the Greeks and Romans used to make mixtures to drink wine. It is still done today in many countries.