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Blog Vivanco: #WineCulture
In the blog of Vivanco, we understand wine as a way of life, from an innovative and energetic perspective, offering you a unique experience around the Culture of Wine.

The 50 famous quotes about wine

Philosophers, thinkers, scientists, writers, poets, painters, film directors, designers... Throughout the history of wine, strongly linked to the history of human beings, we find this product as a source of inspiration countless times. Some of the most influential personalities in the construction of the framework of Western thought throughout history have expressed their impressions of wine in words. They are words that elevate this food to the category of the mystical. Wine phrases that help us to understand the importance it has come to have today. Here are some of our favourites.

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1. "Some human beings mellow with age, like wine; but others turn sour, like vinegar." H. C. Dowland.

2. "There is in the terrestrial sphere an innumerable and nameless multitude whose sleep would not be able to sleep away their sorrows. Wine writes for them songs and poems." Charles Baudelaire.

3. "Wine washes away our worries, rinses the soul to the bottom and ensures the healing of sadness". Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

4. "Wine, the more it ages, the warmer it gets: contrary to our nature, which, the longer it lives, the colder it gets" .Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio.

5. "Wine sows poetry in hearts". Dante Alighieri.

6. "In vino veritas." Translation: "In wine (is) the truth". Pliny "the Elder".

Federico Fellini black white7. "A good wine is like a good film: it lasts a moment and leaves a taste of glory in your mouth; it is new with every sip and, as with films, it is born and reborn in each taster". Federico Fellini.

8. "A glass of wine at the right time is worth more than all the riches of the earth"Gustav Mahler.

9. "Wine and bread moved armies." Juan Abellán.

10. "The peoples of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive tree and the vine." Thucydides.

11. "Language is wine on the lips." Virginia Woolf.

12. "What is better than to sit down at the end of the day and drink wine with friends, or a substitute for friends?" James Joyce.

13. "There is more philosophy and wisdom in a bottle of wine than in all the books." Louis Pasteur.

karl marx beard communism14. "Be careful about trusting someone who doesn't like wine." Karl Marx.

15. "Give wine for wine and bread for bread, and everyone will understand you".

16. "Wine is bottled poetry." Robert Louis Stevenson.

17. "Wine can be a better teacher than ink, and talk is often better than books." Stephen Fry.

18. "Good wine brings the pilgrim back to life".

19. "It is enough for me/ with the old golden wine/ a blanket with the smell of winter/ seventeen new almonds/ and your hands...". Beatriz Mazliah, Wine and Poetry.

20. "Wine when drunk with sincere inspiration can only be compared to the kiss of a maiden". Nicanor Parra

21. " Wine is the light of the sun, united by water". Galileo Galilei.

salvador dali surrealism moustache22. "He who knows how to taste does not drink too much wine, but enjoys its soft secrets".  Salvador Dalí.

23. "Wine is the milk of the aged". Plato.

24. "The best wine is not necessarily the most expensive, but the one that is shared". George Brassens.

25. "A wine is ideal when one regrets having finished the bottle". Roberto Verino.

26. "Where there is no wine there is no love". Euripides.

27. "He who came into the world and does not drink wine, what did he come into the world for?

28. "I would like to be all wine and drink myself" .Federico García Lorca.

pablo neruda poesia thinker29. "The wine opens the doors with astonishment and in the shelter of the months it overturns its body of soaked red wings". Pablo Neruda.

30. "Wine makes life easier and more bearable, with less stress and more tolerance" .Benjamin Franklin.

31. "Old wood to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, old authors to read. Francis Bacon.

32. "While penicillin cures men, wine makes them happy". Sir Alexander Fleming.

victor hugo teatro blanco negro33. "God made nothing but water, but man made wine". Victor Hugo.

34. " There is more history than geography in a bottle of wine" .J. Kressman.

35. " If lovers of wine and love go to hell...empty must be paradise." Omar Khayyam.

36. " Spain, the beautiful country of wine and song". Goethe, Faust.

37. " Food is the material part of nourishment, but wine is the spiritual part of our nourishment" .Alexandre Dumas.

38. " Wine moves the spring, / Joy grows like a plant. Walls fall, rocks fall, / abysses close, / song is born." Pablo Neruda, Ode to Wine.

39. " [...]to preserve health and to recover it if it is lost, it is advisable to extend the use of drinking wine in everything and in all ways, as it is, in moderation, the best vehicle of food and the most effective medicine [...]" Don Francisco de Quevedo y Villegas.

40. " Man owes it to wine that he is the only animal that drinks without thirst". Pliny the Younger.

41. " Wine, teach me the art of seeing my own history / As if it were already ashes in memory." Jorge Luis Borges.

42. " Wine consoles the sad, rejuvenates the old, inspires the young, and relieves the depressed of the burden of their cares" .Lord Byron.

ortega y gasset pipe hat43. "The wine brightens the countryside, exalts the hearts, enkindles the pupils and teaches the feet to dance". José Ortega y Gasset.

44. "The amphora always keeps the aroma of the first wine it kept". Quintus Horatius Flaccus.

45. "A day without wine is a day without sunshine". Typical phrase from Provence.

46. "A wine is the healthiest and most hygienic of drinks". Louis Pasteur.

47. "Wine is a thing wonderfully suited to man if, in health as well as in sickness, it is administered with tact and just measure."Hippocrates.

48. "Long live good wine, which is the great companion for the road". Pío Baroja.

49 . "With bread and wine you can walk any road".

50. "Wine is the only work of art that can be drunk". Luis Fernando Olaverri.

Winery, Foundation, Experiences. Sharing Wine Culture


  1. "The people of the Mediterranean began to emerge from barbarism when they learned to cultivate the olive tree and the vine". Thucydides.

  2. Wine is what has civilised the world the most. François Rabelais

    There are five good reasons to drink wine: the arrival of a guest, the thirst present and to come, the good taste of the wine and no matter what other reason. Italian proverb

  3. I am finishing my first book "De la copa a la cepa". It is a basic manual of the vine and wine.

    I want to include phrases, sayings and quotes about wine and here I have found quite a few.
    Thank you very much.

  4. Wine is what has civilised the world the most. François Rabelais

    There are five good reasons to drink wine: the arrival of a guest, the thirst present and to come, the good taste of the wine and no matter what other reason. Italian proverb

  5. Congratulations a good compilation of phrases and I share with you an Egyptian proverb. In water you can see your face reflected, but in wine your best quality appears.

  6. There is one missing by Jorge Luis Bosque "Que otros en su leteo se bebban un triste olvido, yo busco en ti los placeres del fervor compartido" (May others drink a sad oblivion in their leteo, I seek in you the pleasures of shared fervour), it is very good.


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Carretera Nacional 232, 26330. Briones - La Rioja. Spain

Winery: +34 941 322 013 /

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