At Vivanco we have been looking forward to resuming our wine tourism activity for months. We look forward to that moment when we can once again hear the sound of your footsteps and laughter in our facilities, while we see how you enjoy all the charms of the Wine Culture. For this reason, today we are happy to inform you that the next July 1st we will reopen our doors so that you can all enjoy Vivanco, through the experiences that we develop in our Winery and the Museum of Wine Culture.
However, as the safety of our visitors is a priority for us, we open with all the anti Covid-19 measures, which guarantee the total protection of both the users who come to visit us and our workers.
How will we ensure the safety of all our visitors on Vivanco ?
We have worked hard to implement all the security measures to guarantee the protection of all users at Vivanco. For this reason, we are about to receive the Safe Tourism Certified quality seal , awarded by the competent body ICTE (Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality). This certification covers all the safety measures validated by the Health Department, which must be implemented by any tourist space, from the moment the user arrives at the door until they are subsequently received at the reception and begin to enjoy the experience in the facilities.
We want you to know that during this hiatus we have missed you, we have worked hard so that, from next Wednesday 1st July, your visit to Vivanco will be calm and safe.. For this reason, we guarantee that all the staff who form part of the Vivanco team are properly trained and equipped to carry out their work in accordance with the anti-Covid-19 protocols required by the Ministry of Health. The application of other rules such as the use of masks and hydroalcoholic gel, the one-way signposted path, the scrupulous cleaning and disinfection of the facilities, the use of nitrile gloves and the washing of uniforms and crockery at 80º, among others, are already a reality that we have implemented at Vivanco and that you will be able to see on your next visit.
In addition, so that you can enjoy Vivanco with greater security, we have made a series of changes to our operating dynamics for the coming months. These changes in our operations will consist of:
- Bookings can only be made onlinethrough our website. In this way, we will dispense with the use of physical and tactile information materials, which we have replaced with a QR code.
- During the month of July, opening hours will be in the morning.The opening hours are from 11:00 to 15:00 hours, from Wednesday to Sunday, both inclusive. We will inform you in advance of the opening times for the coming months.
- In this first phase of reopening,the wine tourism experience activities have been limited for the greater safety of all those attending, as well as the available timetables.. Guided visits to the Winery and the Museum will continue at the usual times, as well as non-guided visits to the Museum of Wine Culture. All these visits will be carried out in smaller groups, at a third of their capacity. You can consult all this information here.
- Tastings of our wines Vivanco will continue to be available during the guided tours.with all the security measures in place.
- As for our restaurant and cafeteria serviceThe restaurant is located in a safer area, with an enlarged outdoor terrace and adapted menus. The opening hours of both will be the same as the rest of the facilities.
At Vivanco, we have been working very hard, thinking about the moment when we will be able to welcome you with open arms. A moment that will soon become a reality. Because everything happens and everything remains. Because we are all about sharing. #Let'sGetBackToShare
We are waiting for you!