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Blog Vivanco: #WineCulture
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Things you can't miss on your Christmas table

christmas biscuit table

Now that the festive season is upon us, it is likely that you will have to organise a lunch or dinner at home. These gatherings with family or friends are always unique, and the most important thing is the company, but there are also other things that help to make them special occasions. One of them is the table.

Although it is often not given the importance that it really has, it can make the difference between a successful Christmas table can make the difference between a successful meeting or a meal that goes unnoticed. If you want your case to be more like the former than the latter, here is what we are going to tell you what things should never be missing from your Christmas table.

Decorating your Christmas table

The Christmas table is not just any table. At least, it shouldn't be. It has to stand out and attract attention, reflecting both the personality the spirit of the season and, at the same time, the personality and tastes of the hosts.

That's why we recommend that you get out your best clothes and start with some good tablecloths on which to build the decoration and layout of your Christmas table.

Alongside the tablecloths, although they don't necessarily have to match, there are the napkins. This is where you can bring out your most daring touch and add a bit of colour to the whole thing. Along with the napkins, of course, there are other accessories or decorative elements that also match, such as the napkin rings, coasters, candles, etc.

It should not be forgotten that at the table you eat and drink. So, what must not be missing for any of the guests are tools to ensure that they do it in the best possible way. Because with the plates, cutlery, glasses and appropriate glassesfood and drinks taste so much better!

A complete menu for your Christmas meal

Now that we've broached the subject, it's best to get straight to the point. Food and drink have to match the occasion and the guests. So let's not skimp - a day is a day!

First of all, the starters. On any self-respecting Christmas table..., if there's one thing you can't miss, it's ham.. And when we say ham, we also mean other products that are served cold, such as loin, chorizo, salchichón, cheeses, etc. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you can also use other starters such as hummus, grilled vegetables, etc.

This may depend a little on the customs and traditions of each family and, of course, of each region. But they are usually a good start to these gastronomic family gatherings.

Once you've worked up an appetite, you can start to bring out some warmer dishes, such as a good seafood soup or cream of seafood. Although, speaking of seafood, who says no to some good prawns, right? The mayonnaise, pink sauce or other recipes are left to the diner's taste.

mesa navidad decoracion

It is true that, by now, enough food has passed before our eyes and mouths. But we have to leave a little room in our stomachs for the main courses, which are the highlight of the meal and where the host usually takes the greatest care.

Some families opt for fish or seafood. Here, the choice is more personal, although sea bream is a classic at the table. But there are many other recipes suitable for these dates with hake, monkfish or cod, for example.

When it comes to meats, it is also the region that sets the traditions, although most Christmas tables tend to leave this central space for baked chicken, turkey or lamb.

If there is any appetite left, those with a sweet tooth will not forgive the desserts. And, although many can hardly taste a mouthful, they will not forgive the desserts, A real Christmas table is not complete without the classic desserts, such as nougat, polvorones or marzipan.

What about drinks?

Tranquilos, que no nos hemos olvidado de las bebidas. Al contrario, como les damos tanta importancia, las hemos dejado para el final, para que no se te olviden cuáles son las bebidas que tienes que tener en tu mesa esta Navidad.

Como no podía ser de otra manera, estando además donde estamos, el vino tiene que ser la pareja de baile de tus copas. Pero, ¿qué vino? No hace falta elegir solo uno. Al contrario, la cena de Navidad perfecta tendrá que contar con los vinos adecuados para cada uno de los momentos en que se tercien.

Así, con los entrantes y los pescados, lo mejor es contar con un vino como el Vivanco Viura-Tempranillo Blanco-Maturana Blanca, ideal para acompañar esos primeros bocados tan apetitosos. Para los amantes de la carne y del vino tinto, la propuesta de estas fiestas es nuestro Vivanco Crianza. Pero no termina aquí la cosa, porque todavía quedan por llegar los postres y la mejor manera de degustarlos es acompañándolos de un vino dulce, como nuestro Colección Vivanco 4 Varietales Dulce de Invierno, ideal para cerrar la velada.

rosé wine glasses

Estas son las cosas que no pueden faltar este año en tu mesa navideña. No es tan difícil como pensabas, ¿verdad? Pues ahora que ya tienes las claves, ¡a disfrutar! ¡Felices fiestas a todos!

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