"From a very young age, all that was behind wine always fascinated me, Why did man fall in love with wine 8,000 years ago? What made it so attractive and seductive? What was there in the wine that turned it into an inspiring element for all kinds of civilizations? I needed to know what had inspired the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans... What it had been in the past, what it is at present and what it would be in the future. Whither is wine bound? How can we help make it better? Literature, art, cinema, cuisine, education, research... all this is what we want and we want to share and disseminate. That is the reason for this Foundation with its Museum, its Documentation Centre and its Publishing House. That is the reason for this passion for this eternal story. That is the reason for this life commitment. Have you ever discovered the wealth of the history and culture of wine?" - Santiago Vivanco